Golden Fingers

Golden Fingers

Golden Fingers

Golden Fingers

Golden Fingers


Discovering Pharaoun Cocktail Rings — perfect for the woman who loves to fancy-up her fingers. Yes, that would be me. After all, I’m an unabashed ring girl. Dahhhhhling.


I don’t know how, when or why it happened, but somewhere between adolescence and womanhood, I became a bonafide #RingGirl. It’s not like I have swan hands, either. In fact, when I was growing up, my brothers bequeathed me the title “Flintstone Fingers” (the famous cartoon characters known for their chubby hands & feet.) I hated the nickname, but instead of trying to distract from my meaty digits, I celebrated them by painting my nails and wearing any kind of sparkly jewels I could get my hands on. Eventually, flashing my fingers turned into a full-blown love affair with rings. Mainly, statement ones.

For me, a ring isn’t just an extension of my personality; it reflects my mood, enhances what I’m wearing or, simply put, the presence of one on my pretty pointers makes me happy. Glam, whimsical and sophisticated is what I’m most attracted to and that’s exactly what a Pharaoun Cocktail Ring is. Designer Sergio Andrés Mendoza makes sure of that. His motto: “I want you to find a ring that symbolizes a version of yourself that you love.”

When I first read that quote, I was like, “man, he totally gets me” and I’m sure a lot of other women feel that way, too. Sergio doesn’t like suggesting which of his designs you should wear; he wants you to find it for yourself. Think of it as an emotional treasure hunt where you get in touch with your own feelings and/or inner goddess-ness. When it comes to choosing one of his creations, he told Ocean Drive Magazine: “Maybe it reflects a part of you that you don’t see often but want to be reminded of. Maybe it is your greatest strength. Maybe it is the person you want to be.”

I first learned about Pharaoun Cocktail Rings when we featured Sergio on Deco Drive, where he was quick to point out his gemstone-esque collections are made right here in Miami and if you look closely, the rings (which are perched on 22k gold over silver) are just as beautiful from the back as the front — underneath they’re decorated with intricate carvings and glass stones. It’s almost as if the ring talks out loud to its admirers, yet at the same time, whispers something special to the woman wearing it.

With collections named “Sea Urchin,” “Superpower” and “I am Beautiful,” you can’t help but feel a connection to Sergio’s jewelry. Especially, in this pop culture climate of “I am Woman hear me roar.” Who doesn’t want to feel empowered by what they’re wearing? I know I do. In fact, opening up a little black box with a Pharaoun Cocktail Ring snuggled inside can make a girl glow and that’s why “Golden Fingers” is one of my #FavoriteThings.

Shop the rings here:

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I adore wearing gems, but not because they are mine. You cannot possess radiance; you can only admire it.Elizabeth Taylor
James Woodley Photography
Gold Body Suit: @belle_damour_lingerie
All cocktail rings are Pharaoun designed by Sergio Andres Mendoza. From left to right I’m wearing: Ovni, Starry Night, Bash, Lotus and Sea Urchin.
Prices available upon request
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Ringo” Auerbach