Scent of a Man

Scent of a Man

Scent of a Man

Scent of a Man

Scent of a Man

Scent of a Man

Scent of a Man

Scent of a Man

Scent of a Man

Scent of a Man


The intoxicating smell of love.


The first time I got a good whiff of my boyfriend, James, I knew it was true pheromone love. He was so intoxicating, I could hardly contain myself. In fact, I inappropriately sniffed him up at a cocktail party after one too many glasses of wine. He laughed it off, but I followed him around like a giddy school girl the entire night. It wasn’t just his cologne; it was something stronger, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on — or, in this case, my nose.

Months would pass before we saw each other again and when we finally did, we were both going through rough break-ups. I can’t speak for James, but the guy I was dating at the time had unceremoniously dumped me for being “too successful” and making him feel like “less of a man”. Strangely, I never liked the way he smelled anyway, which was a mix of pastrami, onions and dirty mop water. I know, I know…

So, why was I dating him in the first place? Well, after two failed marriages and a string of sucky boyfriends, I let someone at work (who happens to be editing this blog) talk me into taking a chance on someone I wouldn’t normally date. I was game. I mean, why not? Growing up, my mom always used to say: “The face of love will surprise you.”

I don’t think she meant FORCE YOURSELF TO LIKE SOMEONE, but I was desperate and slightly immature. It’s not that I didn’t like him; it just never really clicked. He knew it and I knew it. So, he put “US” out of our misery. I took it pretty hard, but honestly, it was about more than just the break-up, it was ALL of it.

I thought I’d never find true love or any love, for that matter. I was so good at making bad decisions, I made Flava Flav’s obnoxious dating show “Flavor of Love” look like a romantic Hollywood classic.

Anyhow, a few days after we parted ways, I became extremely depressed and despondent. I spent hours over analyzing my life, drinking too much and drunk texting another ex-boyfriend. My inadequate feelings led to a brief reunion. Boy oh boy, was THAT a mistake. As if he wasn’t crazy enough the first time, on our second go around he gave Charles Manson a run for his money. He didn’t murder anyone, but he was a spitting image of the serial killer and did I mention crazy? #WeAllMakeMistakes #SometimesTwice

After that, I gave up on men altogether and did something out of the ordinary. I followed my nose…

When I first called James, it was purely innocent. I had no idea he was going through a break-up and or how he’d respond to me ringing him up out of the blue asking for relationship advice. He was cordial and generous with his time and told me if any man felt threatened by my success that was on them and had nothing to do with me.

Our conversations spilled into emails and then text messages and eventually into a few get-togethers with mutual friends. Along the way, I noticed that James did things that no other man in my life had ever done. He called when he said he would, he texted without fail, he didn’t play games and he never, ever magically fell off the face of the earth. My ex-husband was astonishingly good at that last one.

James was stable, reliable and acted like he genuinely wanted to be around me, but what about taking it to the next level? Was I misreading him? I didn’t have the confidence to ask him in person, so I decided to text him instead…

Me: You know I really like you, right?
James: I like you, too.
Me: No, I mean I like you, LIKE you.
Me: I want to be more than just friends.
James: I feel the same.

Those four little words would change my life BIG time. After that text exchange, James has never stopped loving me (through the good and the bad.) During our first few months together as a couple, I stumbled around in a haze of love. I was completely ridiculous, ask me if I cared? NOPE.

When James left for work, I’d sniff the pillows he slept on or the shirts he left behind. When he’d go out of town, I’d wear his clothes around the house and squirt myself with his cologne. Eventually, I confessed my “Scent of a Man” obsession to which James replied: “I kind of figured that out the night of the cocktail party.” Was I embarrassed? NOPE.

That’s the thing about the right kind of love: it gives you the confidence to be yourself. In my other relationships, I was always jockeying for position; trying to figure out exactly what was happening and where I stood. Not with James, though: it’s clear, straightforward, undeniable love and attention. That doesn’t mean it’s always easy, but it means it’s ALL worth it.

Four years later and I’m still sniffing my way around the relationship. The only difference now is James and I have a life together, we have history and a more mature love – still – whether I’m smelling his shirt, pillows or his delicious neck: “Scent of a Man” will always be one of my Favorite Things. Happy Valentines Day!

IG: @ShireenSandoval
FB: @ShireenSandoval
Twitter: @ShireenSandoval

P.S. I love the way my puppy smells, too, hence his guest appearance in the blog. Plus, he’s super photogenic.

Don’t have someone to sniff? Create your own “Scent of a Man” look with a shirt like this:

The best smell in the world is the man that you love.Jennifer Aniston
James Woodley Photography
Shirt: @Forever21
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “I’m No Matchmaker” Auerbach

The Ultimate Traveling Companion

The Ultimate Traveling Companion

The Ultimate Traveling Companion

The Ultimate Traveling Companion

The Ultimate Traveling Companion

The Ultimate Traveling Companion

The Ultimate Traveling Companion

The Ultimate Traveling Companion

The Ultimate Traveling Companion


If I collected all of my special travel memories & awe-inspiring moments on the road and put them into one place, it would look and feel like a Boucle Bag.


When I caught my very first glimpse of a Boucle Bag, I was completely intoxicated by its originality. Yes, it actually made me HAPPY, something I talked a lot about in my first blog of the year: “A Fashionable Change”.

Purses don’t usually evoke emotion out of me; I mean, I’m a shoe girl, but this one? WOW. With its bold colors, yummy textures and individual styling, I could hardly ignore HOW it made me feel.

Boucle Bags aren’t just purses, they’re travel bags inspired by the Far East and one of the area’s creative customs: people write wishes on colorful tags and tie them around tree branches. Whether it’s love, health, success or happiness, those hopes and dreams are sent into the universe, leaving a kaleidoscope of fascination behind.

Not only does Boucle bring that beautiful tradition to life via fashion, it does it with exquisitely handcrafted quality. No two bags are alike and all that gobsmacking detail isn’t just reserved for the outside. Boucle Bags are roomy, sturdy and ready to help you chicly conquer your next destination: work, play, a long weekend getaway or how about that trip you’ve always dreamed of?

Speaking of…

I don’t think I’ve ever been able to truly express the impact traveling the world has had on my heart. My first golden sunset in Australia, the incredible visual impact of Hong Kong’s cityscape, the lush green rolling hills of Scotland and the rich architecture and opulence of Russia. I can’t wait for my next exciting adventure and you can bet my new Boucle Bag will be right there with me and that’s why “The Ultimate Traveling Companion” is one of my Favorite Things.

Shop the Gabriella Boucle Bag here:

Be Social:
IG: @bouclebag

I am not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.Mary Anne Radmacher
James Woodley Photography
Outfit by @xobetseyjohnson
Shoes: @Forever21
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “Completely Intoxicated” Auerbach

A Fashionable Change

A Fashionable Change

A Fashionable Change

A Fashionable Change

A Fashionable Change

A Fashionable Change

A Fashionable Change

A Fashionable Change

A Fashionable Change

A Fashionable Change


A day at the beach with Solea Cangas and figuring out what I really want Shireen’s Favorite Things to be.


You may not know this, but when I first started the blog it was a way for me to express the pain and hurt of some devastating things that happened in my life: the loss of a baby, a major illness and the break-up of my marriage. It was some heavy stuff and I wasn’t exactly parading around South Florida in stylish trends. I was just trying to keep my head above water. Actually, if I’m being totally honest, I was a complete disaster. The writing/blogging helped with my grieving process and sharing my stories eventually healed me. At least to the point where I felt I was OKAY…

After the s*** storm hit. Because frankly, there’s no other to describe it…

The blog took on a more “stylish” turn. I felt guilty about it for awhile, mainly because my more serious storytelling had developed a strong online following. Taking a lighter, less “important” direction felt like a complete sell-out. It wasn’t, though; I promise you. Instead, it was a way of giving myself permission to leave my deep sadness and the morose introspection that always followed it behind.

When I first started the blog as it’s known now: “Shireen’s Favorite Things”…

I got A LOT of push back. Career-based fashion bloggers turned up their noses at me, my television co-horts didn’t understand it and key people around me (who pretended to care) just wanted to capitalize on it. What’s more, some readers didn’t want the “happy” me; perhaps the “sad” me was more relatable. In the meantime, all I wanted to do was write, tell stories, find creativity, inspiration and hopefully give birth to the new person I wanted, needed and hoped I could be.

The first year of ‘Favorite Things’ (everyone involved) worked like gangbusters. We gave up everything — especially our free time. It was hard at first, but we grew accustomed to it, then we got better at it and learned not to sacrifice what everyone needed: a break (even fashion has seasons for a reason.) As the years passed and the blog grew in popularity, Deco Drive got involved and WSVN supported my stylish storytelling like a proud mother, giving me creative liberties, cheering on my original content and awarding me an on-air fashion segment to run in tandem with the online blog.

Since then…

I’ve tackled almost every topic: movies, celebrities, famous and local fashion designers, seasonal, solo and eccentric trends, boutiques, interesting South Florida places and eventually, food (which happens to be an incredibly popular part of the blog now called: Shireen’s Spotlight.)

During the thick of it, I’d always ask myself: Do people care? Are they reading? Are they clicking onto something that’s enriching their lives? Is it enriching mine? And — what’s the ultimate outcome?” I didn’t know the answers beyond what the analytics were telling me. What I did know was…

When I pressed those closest to me (like my own mother,) most hadn’t even read the blog; including people who were working on it. “I haven’t read it, but I do love the pictures,” was the typical response I’d get. Still, I pushed on.

I’m not stupid. I mean, I get we’re living in a phone-driven, photo-taking, time-pressed society. Easy immediacy is the name of the game. Plus, I’m at THAT age — the one where you do things for yourself and not other people. Writing, blogging, exploring, reporting, traveling, working weekends, eating a lot of food. I did it for myself and it’s been enough — until now.

Over the holidays, I took a long break from blogging. I needed it because I felt tired and uninspired and it was gnawing at me. WHY? Why had something I loved so much changed? Most of us hate change and I’m one of those people. I like a good challenge, but when feelings and emotions start twisting and turning inside me, I panic because I know it’s time to re-evaluate and get real with myself.

At first, though, I ignore it for as long as humanly possible, but eventually, it spills over into everything I say and do, followed by long bouts of anxiety, crying jags and unhappiness. It’s almost as if my inside emotions are forcing me to change my outward path and begrudgingly, I HAVE to do it.

So, here we are — at the edge of the cliff of change — about to jump (and thank you if you’re actually reading this and not just looking at the pictures, especially Matty, because he has to and Jackie, because she’s my biggest cheerleader.)

From now on, I’ll be featuring things on the blog that evoke a special kind of emotion out of me: mainly, HAPPINESS. Like the very thing highlighted today — — a company inspired by the ocean, uplifted by art and started by strong, entrepreneurial women. It’s a wrap-slash-beach blanket, with yummy lightweight material. The idea hails from the beaches of Rio, one of my favorite places on earth.

As I continue reinventing myself and Favorite Things…

I want more simplicity, as in less explaining. Yes, I’m caving, while a lot of people don’t have time to sit down and read, imagine what it’s like finding time to write pages upon pages of heartfelt fashion stories (especially with another full-time uber-demanding job.)

Not everything I focus on from here-on-out will be featured on TV. Not only can an aggressive deadline squash my creativity, but it takes away from the original “je ne sais quoi” of the blog.

I hope my new direction leaves you feeling good, inspired and yes, even happy after checking out the blog. It’s the least I can do for my faithful followers because YOU are one of my Favorite Things.

Be Social
IG: @soleacangas
FB: @soleacangas

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move into it, and join the dance.Alan W. Watts
James Woodley Photography
Outfit by @forever21
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew “I Like This Job” Auerbach