Postcards from England

Postcards from England

Postcards from England

Postcards from England

Postcards from England

Postcards from England

Postcards from England

Postcards from England

Postcards from England

It’s been a long time since I’ve been on a proper vacation, mainly because this last year has been a bit of a whirlwind: a big job promotion, adjusting to a new nighttime work schedule and elevating the blog, both aesthetically and efficiency-wise. I’ve spent the past year trying to make “Shireen’s Favorite Things” look and sound better, all while trying to surround myself with more positive, loving and creative people.

While it’s been a time of tremendous personal and professional growth, it’s also been a time of hardcore sacrifice. I work most weekends, use vacation time for blog excursions and find myself researching and writing during my true downtime. It may sound a bit crazy (my co-workers actually refer to it as “fashion madness,”) but I like to call it – incredibly lucky. That’s because…

A few years ago, I spent all of my spare time in bed, sick (with Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome) and consequently, trying to get well. It was an impossibly sad time. I lost seconds, minutes, hours, weeks and months of precious time that I can never get back, not to mention a bit of my sanity and a lot of money (as I poured everything I had into finding answers and doctors who could heal me.) Truth of the matter is, there were simply no vacations or even talk of such frivolities; being ill and getting well was a full-time job. My life depended on it and I took it seriously.

After a few years of doctors, treatments and physical therapy, I rallied and miraculously recovered into a wiser, tougher, more compassionate and extremely different human being. If you’re a regular blog reader, you know the story and you know how my illness changed me and why the blog means so much to me: expressing my grief over the person I used to be and trying to fully understand the person I was becoming in my writing gave me solace and a sense of purpose.

As I grew well, the blog grew along with me (as I mentioned a few weeks ago in my last entry.) “Shireen’s Favorite Things” became what it was always meant to be: stories about people, places and things that could enlighten and enrich the mind, body and spirit. Okay, okay (I know my editor is rolling his eyes right about now,) what I mean is, sometimes the blog and the social media that works in tandem with it is simply about a fashionable collaboration you share with the world around you.

So, imagine my delight when James Woodley, photographer extraordinaire and my better half, recommended a true holiday. I laughed at the prospect. “Yeah, sure. I’ll go with you,” I told him point blank. I mean, why not? I was finally better, my job was great and the blog had never been so self sufficient. I chuckled when he told me he was looking into tickets to visit his homeland – England. I had been there so many times (for work) it seemed trite, but I humored him and smiled at his enthusiasm.

Read the rest of the blog at

(Special thanks to Kore Boutique, Hollen & Jen’s Vintage Showroom, Carlos Marrero and Bungalow 33 Boutique.)

Twitter: @ShireenSandoval
IG: @ShireenSandoval

Photographer: James Woodley
Twitter: @BritFloridian
IG: @BritFloridian

Styling/Co-Producer/Assist: Jackie Kay
blog ideas:

Editor: Matthew Auerbach

Right off the Bus

Right off the Bus

Right off the Bus

Right off the Bus

Right off the Bus

Right off the Bus

Right off the Bus

This may sound a little odd, but I love me a good bus. Matter of fact, buses/trailers have played a big part in my career as an entertainment/fashion reporter. Some of the most famous and fashionable people on the planet (rock stars and movie stars) spend a lot of time on the road or on movie sets and well, interviewing people of this caliber means you gotta get on the bus/trailer and just go with the flow or better yet, the ride!

One of my first cool bus experiences was with The Black Eyed Peas, when they were first becoming famous. They were parked outside the American Airlines Arena (getting ready to open for a big headliner,) when they invited me onboard. They showed me around their “house on wheels” and Fergie even gave me a peak into her private changing area (which was a flimsy curtain draped at the tail end of the bus.) Believe me, it wasn’t anything fancy, but it was fun and their infectious personalities and music made them a household name.

Before I interview a big movie star or a big movie director, a bus is almost always involved. Whether I’m traipsing my way across the country to New York or Los Angeles or zipping my way across the Atlantic Ocean to London, I’m always bused (alongside my fellow entertainment journalists/producers) to see the movie I’m reporting on, the red carpet I’ll be working and sometimes, even to the interview location itself.

A lot of provocative conversations go down between journalists on those buses. In fact, you can learn a helluva lot about celebrities and who they really are (the way they interact with reporters, the ones who flirt and most importantly, the ones who are all smoke and mirrors verses the ones who are totally captivating and gracious.) Man, I’ve learned a lot about being an entertainment reporter simply by being on the road. BTW, I always call those bus sessions: “Wheeling & Spilling.”

Then of course, there’s the relegate ‘hang-out with the actor/actress’ on the set of a movie or a television show. There’s always a lot of down time in between filming scenes, so what better way to get to know a person then to spend time with them in their bus/trailer. I find this spectacularly interesting, because you can get a real glimpse into someone’s personality. Moreover, the famous tend to be much more themselves when they’re in someplace safe (in their dressing room,) which is usually on wheels.

Read the rest of the blog at or shop the looks by tracking down the fashion bus on their social media!
Instagram: @bungalow33boutique
Twitter: @Bungalow33
FB: Bungalow 33 Mobile Boutique

Twitter: @ShireenSandoval
IG: @ShireenSandoval

Photographer: James Woodley
Twitter: @BritFloridian
IG: @BritFloridian

Hair & Make-up: Odette Hernandez
Twitter: @Odettehernandz
IG: @Odett_herndz

Styling/Co-Producer/Assist: Jackie Kay
blog ideas:

Editor: Matthew Auerbach