Garden Party

Garden Party

Garden Party

Garden Party

Garden Party

Garden Party

Garden Party


The Spring Trend Report with Neiman Marcus/Fort Lauderdale featuring stylist, Ken Downing (Fashion Director & Senior Vice President of Neiman Marcus stores.)


Spring is always my favorite fashion season of the year. I adore the lively colors, interesting textures and whimsical ways designers breathe new life into all things feminine, flouncy and frilly.

It’s also a time when styling guru Ken Downing of Neiman Marcus makes his way to Florida for his annual Spring Runway Report. I love Ken for so many reasons, but mainly, because he doesn’t make fashion complicated. Although he embraces what’s “in style,” he also loves individuality and doesn’t shy away from the interesting and provocative.

Fresh from Paris Fashion Week, Ken told me: “It’s all about lace, lace, lace and more lace.” And, it’s not just about cocktail or evening lace, it’s a daytime look, too. The trend is so strong, it’ll be all the rage in the Fall.

“Eclectic, almost eccentric” is how Ken describes what he’s been seeing on fashion runways around the world. “It’s not about being perfect head-to-toe,” he muses, “it’s also about having one little thing off-kilter, because that’s what personal style is.”

Even though I like lace, I’m also enchanted with the latest tapestries, baroque materials, appliqués, embellishments and flower patterns designers seem to be favoring. It was the inspiration behind the “Garden Party” theme of the blog. Not only that, I love me a good bubbly skirt and the fact that dresses are now being made in that same spirit — well, it makes me one happy fashionista.

Don’t miss Deco Drive tonight, as Ken takes us behind the scenes of his Spring Runway Report (the clothes, accessories and shoes are to die for). His creative stylings are a mix of romance and intrigue with an opulent twist. Think Frida Kahlo meets boho glam and that’s why “Garden Party” is one of my favorite things.


Inside The Galleria at 2442 East Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304


Monday-Saturday 10am-9pm, Sunday 12pm-6pm

I am my own muse, I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to know better.Frida Kahlo
shop the blog looks at

Twitter: @neimanmarcus IG: @neimanmarcus FB: Neiman Marcus (Fort Lauderdale)

photographer: James Woodley
styled by Neiman Marcus, Fort Lauderdale
on-site stylist: Jackie Kay
grooming: Odett Hernandez
Editor: Matthew “Lace, Lace and More Lace” Auerbach

Special thanks to Jonie Sabo (Public Relations Manager of Neiman Marcus, FLL.)

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