Feeling Magenta

Feeling Magenta

Feeling Magenta

Feeling Magenta

Feeling Magenta

Feeling Magenta

Feeling Magenta

Despite the hustle and bustle around the television station, when I closed the door to my office, the room fell silent and my composure quickly started to crack. The brief reprieve from the buzz of the newsroom left me open to a wide range of emotions: I laughed, cried and then quickly buried my head into my hands and let out a silent scream. I was undeniably NUTS with excitement.

Like a boxer who had just won the most important title bout of his life, I balled both of my hands up into tight fists and punched the air with an enthusiasm reserved only for the movies…”Rocky,” “Rudy” and “Chariots Of Fire” had nothing on me. It wasn’t enough, though, so I jabbed the air again, this time like an athlete who had just won an Olympic gold medal.

One she had worked and sacrificed her entire life for. I had finally done it; won the match, earned the medal and the moment was all mine. I wanted to call someone and share it. I wanted to tell someone that the years of sacrifice, commitment and hard work had finally paid off. All the holidays I had worked through, birthday parties I had missed, family reunions I couldn’t attend and relationships I couldn’t sustain because all of my energy always went to work – I wanted to scream to anyone who would listen that it was ALL WORTH IT, but I couldn’t…

Just minutes before my air-punching moment, the Vice President of Sunbeam Television notified me that after a rigorous two month-long audition process to become co-host of Deco Drive, I had indeed landed the job: however, until we hammered out contract details, released a formal media statement and announced it to the inner fold of Channel 7, my promotion was to be kept a secret. I obeyed as if my very career depended on it and well, it did. A few weeks later…

Read the rest of  “Feeling Magenta” at www.WSVN.com or shop the looks featured in the blog at www.MagentaCouture.com.

Twitter: @MagentaCouture
IG: @MagentaCouture
FB: Magenta Couture

Twitter: @ShireenSandoval
IG: @ShireenSandoval

Photographer: James Woodley
Twitter: @BritFloridian
IG: @BritFloridian

Hair & Make-up: Odette Hernandez
Twitter: @Odettehernandz
IG: @O.D.E.T.T

Assist: Jackie Kay
Blog ideas: Jackiekay211@yahoo.com

Editor: Matthew Auerbach

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